Our Commitment

Sustainability is a megatrend that materially impacts every region, sector, and company. SeaTown dedicates specific resources towards our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives. We established a dedicated ESG Management team to coordinate the ESG strategy across the firm. ESG Champions for each fund drive bottom-up implementation. We are a sustainability-conscious organization, where every employee is ESG-responsible.

ESG assessments are conducted for all investments to ensure ESG risks and opportunities are considered. We use proprietary systems to assess every investment in accordance with standards of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Sustainability Accounting Board (SASB). We have also built up the infrastructure to track portfolio-level ESG metrics, such as carbon intensity and financed emissions.

SeaTown is a signatory of UN Principles for Responsible Investment, a member of the IFRS Sustainability Alliance, and a supporter of TCFD.

Within our corporate operations, we have committed to operational carbon neutrality starting from 2021 and have also implemented an internal carbon price which embeds a sustainability mindset into everything we do.

We commit to continuous improvement in our ESG integration efforts. Along with our peers and stakeholders, we will work together towards a more sustainable future.